Vectors And Equilibrium

                           Vectors And Equilibrium

1.  Rectangular coordinate system is also called
A. polar coordinate systemB. Cartesian coordinate system
C. cylindrical coordinate systemD. spherical coordinate system

2.  The direction of a vector in spece is specified by
A. one angleB. two angle
C. three angleD. no angle

3.  Addition of vector obeys
A. commutative lawB. distributive law
C. associative lawD. all given laws in a , b and c

4.  A vector can be multiplied by a number. The number may be
A. dimensionlessB. dimensional scalar
C. negativeD. all a, b and c are correct

5.  Unit vector n^ is along
A. x-axisB. normal on a surface
C. y-axisD. z-axis

6.  Cos?i^ + Sin?j^ is a
A. vectorB. position vector
C. vector in the direction at angle ? with x-axisD. unit vector in the direction at angle ? with x-axis

7.  Maximum number of rectangular components are
A. one B. two
C. three D. infinite

8.  Maximum number of components of a vector may be
A. one B. two
C. three D. infinite

9.  Which one is not correct for a vector A= 2??2 i^ + ??2 j^?
A. has direction ?=45? with x-axisB. has magnitude 2
C. has magnitude 2 and direction ?=45? with y-axisD. has magnitude -2

10.  The resultant of two forces of equal magnitudes is also equal to the magnitude of the forces. The angle between the two forces is
A. 30?B. 60?
C. 90?D. 120?

      P  A  G  E  :      1        2       3       4


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